Ziad's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

About me survey

name: Ziad

nickname: Sys

pronouns: He/Him

how old are you: 20

zodiac sign: Pisces

current location: Bed, Home

eye color: Brown, almost leaning to Black

hair color: Black

height: 162cm

your heritage: Middle Eastern / Egyptian

what's your middle name: H. Don't call me that though.

shoe's you wore today: I only own one, it's a pair of black sneakers. But today? None.

your weakness: My comfort character (I immediately blush when I think of her,,,)

your fear: [Insert my list of 10.e463 fears]

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: No?

do you want to: What is that?

goal you would like to achieve this year: None.

first thought when you wake up: [Glass breaking sound effect]

best physical feature: Uh... Chest.

who is your bestest friend: Undefined

when is your bedtime: It's complicated.

your most cherished memory: Unsure.

pepsi or coke: Bepis. (Ok, it's Pepsi.)

McDonald’s or burger king: Neither, never tried.

single or group dates: Single

what is the last song you sang: Unsure.

does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: It depends?

what is your biggest pet peeve: One of them is the aluminum/metal clacking sound. Like when you put a fork on a metal plate.

do you drink: Water? Yes.

ever been drunk: No, never will.

do you smoke: No, never will.

do you sing: It depends on the song?

what color underwear do you have on: Why?

do you want to go to college: I AM a college student.

have you ever been in love: Many times. Uncountable.

do you want to get married: I am married to my comfort character~ Realistically, yes,,

do you believe in yourself: It depends.

do you believe in others: It depends.

do you like thunderstorms: Nah, not even rain.

do you play an instrument: I wish.

what do you want to be when you grow up: An actual individual.

how many tattoo's do you have: None, never will have one.

how many piercings do you have: None.


shoes: Sneakers and maybe,,,, heels.

radio station: None.

drink: Tea, Coffee, Soda (Original flavor, Lemon, Apple, Orange, Barley, Pomegranate).

Car: None.

place: My bedroom.

song: Many.

movie: None.

moment: Unsure.

color: Red, Pink, & Blue.

meal: Chicken breasts. :]


favorite eye color: Black, Blue

favorite hair color: Black, Pink (not in my area)

short or long hair: Long, aaaaaaaa

height: Same height or taller. Mmh,,

body type: Slightly chubby (like myself), or fit... Get this, get this, all.

does ethnicity matter: Not at all!

piercings: None. Maybe ear...

tattoos: No.


do you think you are attractive: Not always? But stereotypes exist, unfortunately, so sometimes I don't think so.

are you attracted to someone who does not know it: Yes,,

would you like to be someones fantasy: Vhat?

hunter or hunted: Vhat??

do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: Always closed,,,,

a little or a lot of tongue: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA yes many thanks

older or younger: Same age, or slightly older.

lights on/lights off or candle light: Dim light.

do you like to cuddle in general: Yes please aaaaaahhhhh


what is todays date: 11th November, 2022

what time is it: 6:55 AM (Don't bother.)

who are you thinking of: Luka Megurine~

what are you listening to: None.

do you love someone: Yes, My Luka~

do you know where your mechanical bull is: WHAT EVEN IS IT??

does someone love you: Hopefully...

is it raining: No.

how many myspace friends do you have: SpaceHey? 10.

are you happy: Not entirely? I'm currently ill. :/

1 Kudos


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voxxane's profile picture

omg luka fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Greetings! It's nice seeing one on here too. :>

by Ziad; ; Report