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Category: Life

Where to go after Twitter?

So this is one of a few different sites I created accounts at in the event Twitter becomes fully unusable. The nostalgia factor here cannot be denied. I had a MySpace from like 2002-2007, but Facebook ended up being better for me at the time. I eventually deleted MS, which I came to regret like a year ago, mostly because I didn't save my journal entries anywhere. When I lamented my loss, I was told by someone who tends to be knowledgeable about everything that when MS switched hands back when, they basically nuked the site anyway, so I probably would have lost my journal entries anyway.

I briefly had Tumblr, but didn't use it for much. When the porn ban was coming and everyone stopped using the site, I figured whatever, don't care, I don't really use it anyway and deleted that account. I don't miss it, but I created a cohost anyway. It's got a certain pleasantness to it that I appreciate, but I don't know if I'll stick with it either.

And of course I created a mastodon account as well. That was actually my first new account, but it's not intuitive and there's not a critical mass of users, so even though I've actively tried to use it the most of all of these, I'm not really seeing any activity.

It's not like I have a lot of followers, but I like having a place I can spew random thoughts and sometimes make people laugh.

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I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone and it has a pretty awful reputation, but I enjoy reddit a lot for my hobbies. It's probably my favorite social media since I can keep it oriented to just the stuff I'm interested in and block out everything else.

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I have Reddit and sometimes I forget it is also social media. Yeah, it can be great for specific topics. Maybe I could make more use of it. Thanks for the idea!

by DeryckEleven; ; Report