Okay so I work on a bus with special needs kids, got the job because I know how to work wheelchairs, and I know how to deal with special needs kids with severe disabilities.
However, poor me also has behavioral kids. For the most part my kids are fine, just let them play on their phones or their games. Heck I even joke around with them, and they appreciate that I do not ever get mad at them for the smallest things. Honestly getting mad over a curse word or a random joke is a waste of energy, and they just got out of school so let them relax.
But I have one girl who has been on my bus for four years now. She is the most insufferable child I have ever met. She’s notorious for being a horrible child amongst my coworkers, and we do not talk bad about any of the kids, she’s just that bad!
She has screamed in my face, hit me, threatened to beat up other students, threatens murder, makes a mess, harasses students on the bus, has shown porn to younger students, ect.
I am at my limit, I have been putting up with her for too long and I just want her gone. She’s a senior now, but I cannot wait till graduation. I cannot stand having my job threatened everyday. Yeah she says I harass her and the other students and her goal in life it to have me fired and arrested and she will make sure that happens.
I had to email the principal this morning, and I’m sure she’s made a meeting with him to go see him, because everything has to work around her, and hopefully she gets an earful on how to behave on the bus.
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Lady Antares ♏️
Oh dear god, she sounds just like the kids I was surrounded by growing up.... Has she been sent to juvi yet? Or would that even have an effect on her at this point? Normally I have deep empathy even for children who act out, but this one sounds like she legit needs her ass kicked.
She hasn’t been sent to anything like that because her parents don’t believe it’s her fault. She acts out purely out of entitlement. I have kids who have trauma and lost a lot in their lives, she isn’t one of them.
by JadynRosetta; ; Report
That's what I thought.
Yeah, she's not a victim of anything except her parent's ignorance. She'll just grow up to become an abusive adult. Someone will pop her one eventually.... Either way I hope she's gone soon and that you won't have to deal with her anymore, you certainly don't need or deserve any of that stress.
by Lady Antares ♏️; ; Report