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Category: Blogging

school so far + hype

hello everyone... this is my first blog entry. hooray? today is november 9th and tomorrow i get to see my girlfriend for the weekend..!! im so hyped we're gonna go shopping and get some stuff together and just hang... i love hanging out with her.... but today i have school so i just have to cope with that. 

my outfit today is total ass and i look like a shutin but its ok because i am ewww lol

other than that today is good. i took a test for forensics which went well, i hope i do well. im a bit lost in italian but its fine. i'll catch up :p

im at lunch now, and after this i have gym and then history and math so i guess i'll survive. maybe not math tho.. we'll see. i'll update tomorrow when i see my girlfriend.. maybe ill add a photo of us together? 

0 Kudos


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