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Category: Blogging

Meal Deal Bonanza

So picture this, you're an average mayo and butter unenjoyer and you are starving for some dinner before work.  So what do you do ??  I know !! Go into your local supermarket and pick up a famous meal deal !! 

Well this is what I humbly did just 20 minutes ago and guess what, the time it took me to choose what I wanted for my main was as long as it takes for windows vista to load 

Everythint literally has mayo in it like who knew a BLT has mayo in it, literally gotta renamed it to MLBT cuz its false advertising.

Also don't get me started about butter, literally a typical humble innocent ham sandwich people have the audacity to call a "plain ham" sandwich is shokcing like bruh IT HAS BUTTER IN IT THATS MANK 

anyhoo I had to settle for measly mank cold pasta which gives me the chills cuz im so cold from it why cant they just heat it and serve it (im patending that slogan so u cant use it)


https://imgur.com/gallery/IhLeyWj (cuz idk if it embedded)


i could resusitate a child wi5h that much air !!

anyhoo chow goise :D

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