Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Blood Prison (REVIEW)


i havent finished watching all of the naruto movies yet so i've been slowly working on watching them when i have time. i've had plenty of time recently because i seriously hurt my knee the other day and can't go anywhere or do much of anything.

so i sat down today with a need for naruto content and decided to watch Blood Prison, which at first i wasn't very interested in because i've seen the setting of hozuki castle before from one of the Boruto arcs and even Sasuke Retsuden has a prison setting in it. i guess im all prisoned out. but hey, content is content, and the animation in the movies is usually really good, so i pushed through it.

the initial scenes were pretty rushed in building the plot, and there were some... strange scenes that im sad that i laughed at. naruto basically gets catcalled and assaulted by the warden who is a pedo i guess??? weird shit. but comedic nonetheless and im a degen so it made me laugh.

naruto is also an idiot as usual, but there were some moments where he really shined.

the ending was a bit confusing. muku was turned into satori, the big monster that lives in the box of paradise, but then he's turned back into a human, but then he killed his dad and just flew back into the box??? no explanation given. i have no idea what the ending was. then they sunk the box in the ocean cus i guess they couldnt destroy it.

and also the konoha 11 just appearing out of nowhere at the end to help naruto was obviously just to make some sort of cool big fight scene ending, whatever. thats fine.

the post credits scene was funny and gave me some more screenshots to add to my folder of screenshots on my computer. to explain that, basically whenever im watching naruto content i take screen shots of the funny/cute faces the characters make and collect them in a folder. has about 130 images as of right now. here's to a thousand more!

4/10 ichiraku ramens. nothing special.

0 Kudos


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