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Category: Life

Hard pills to swallow

As I get older, I learn more and more about the people I've chosen to be around, family, and life lessons. I've learned more about myself than anything within the past like 4 years and I can say the most important thing that life has taught me so far is to always be kind and remain humble, but also stand up for yourself when needed and not let people walk all over you. I've been learning to take the time out for myself because that is extremely vital for my personal growth and my mental health; especially being in a relationship, I don't want to lose myself or sight of the goals that I've set out to accomplish. This path is for me and no one else, every one just has to learn to fit in with it and if they can't then they can exit to the right -->>>> I've always been somewhat of a people pleaser and caught myself doing things for others when I wouldn't get the same treatment in return. That has really shot me in the heart. But all I can do is take it with the grain of salt and accept others for who they are. I can't expect even my dearest friends/family to go above and beyond for me. I see the world filled with hope and light at the end of the tunnel, and I guess that can be seen as one of my strongest and weakest qualities because I've seen that wearing your heart on your sleeve will most likely get you hurt in the long run ): Nevertheless, it has made me stronger and more aware. 

PS. I got into nursing school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like my job as already taught me so much with learning to be more assertive and dealing with special cases/types of people, but I'm about to spring forward into a whole 'nother journey. I'm sure I'll have many mental breakdowns, but I know I'll get through it. I have so many plans for this degree, I can't wait! 

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