- have you repledged your loyalty to the [ ]?
- are you prepared to give the [ ] your all?
- have you boxed up all unnecessary feelings and thoughts?
- are you still insignificant?
- you will follow all rules and regulations as outlined in every single written and unwritten document, rule, off-handing comment, thought, and anything and everything else. you will also recite any or all of these when asked to do so by our own internal auditors.
- do you accept that the concept of "your time" has no meaning?
- do you accept that all time is "[ ]" in this place?
- you agree that the only good worm, is a dead worm. right?
- there is nothing wrong with the suggestion box.
- everything is under control. there is no worm outbreak in the [ ].
- you will not complain about the schedules being changed too often and without notice.
- are you willing to sacrifice your mortal body in the service of the [ ]?
- do you believe yourself to be a part of the "[ ] family?"
- you would never spread ill of the [ ], correct?
- you understand that you will not bring any time related devices into the
- it makes sense to you r pitiful mind that breaks are unpaid and that they will be docked from your pay even if not taken. but you will not be given any special opportunity to take them. only, you must work harder to be able to receive the opportunity to take a break.
- working at the [ ] is a privilege. not a right.
- boxes make the terminals a better place.
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