“The banshee screams in the face of Death, scarlet rage seeping from her maw.” That’s how I always pictured my mother in her final moments. And yet, in her place now, I can barely whisper. There’s a terrible shame I feel lying in a pool of my own blood. It flows easier than the words I should’ve spoken. It drenches the hands that wounded millions. It weeps for everything I failed to be. And yet, it created you. Let not the specter of my failure haunt your heart, and let your blood run undaunted.
![Tiny CD](https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/suKjXaBlm2hKTiKsG9BP3yA1-lS3QOJ_M3pT3Kb14mbg=/https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursor.png)
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