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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Movies to watch/rewatch

I made a list of movies  that I'm going to watch for the first time or rewatch the ones I like, feel free to suggest some you find interesting.

Her Parasite The lighthouse Taxi driver Arrival Interstellar Nightcrawler Fight club Shawshank redemption Inception The good the bad the ugly 1917 Pulp fiction Truman show Balde runner Blade runner 2049 Superbad Forrest gump Breakfast club Donnie darko Moon Minority report Ethernal sunshine of the spotless mind The thing Alien Aliens Prisoners The grand budapeast hotel Se7en The godfather Train to busan 2001 a space odyssey Zodiac The witch Fallen angels Borat Stalker Pianista Jak rozpętałem drugą wojnę światową Sami swoi Dzień świra Pociąg Body/cialo The butterfly effect Upgrade Childern of men The road Pandorum Sunshine Solaris(1972) The island Possessor The 13th floor Dark city Akira Cowboy beebop District 9 Ghost in the shell 1995 Spirited away Howls moving castle Princess monanoke Whisper of the heart The wind rises Grave of the fireflies Porco rosso Paprika Perfect blue

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