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Category: Life

Greeting the Italian way

So, when we Italians greet each other, the norm is to kiss both checks. We make sure it’s both, because if you kiss just one, your friend will feel like you left him hanging.

But, the point here is when we Italians, besides the kiss on both cheeks, when we say hi to one another, we do so by saying CIAO. That sounds easy enough, right ? Actually, there is more to it than that. Because when we say good bye, we also say CIAO. Bit confusing, right ?

So, if you are not fluent in Italian, you won’t know if we are coming or going.

Capiche ?

2 Kudos


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Hamed M.

Hamed M.'s profile picture

Actually the kissing part is exactly the same here! especially with elderly people, many close or semi close people can feel disrespected if you just said hello there or go for one side.

for the Ciao part, we also sometimes say Salam which equals Peace ( in Arabic Salam Alikum = Peace be upon you ), we say it both while entering a place or leaving it!.

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Indeed .. my father had a business associate in Abu Dhabi and we were able to verify what you are saying

by R+C; ; Report