H I M E's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

A New Space

I missed the MySpace train back in the day, so I didn't have a rush of nostalgia when I looked over this website. But it drew me in nonetheless.

I've been wanting to expand my activity away from the most common social media platforms, and I heard about this place in a comment section on some other forum. I immediately fell in love with the amount of personality users can drench their profiles in. I spent the first three hours of my time here just setting up the aesthetic of my profile, digging through the code of my chosen layout to really hit that vibe.

I plan to use this space to dump my feelings and heartfelt blogs, but also to make new friends and just blabber about things going on in my life. I feel like I have things to say but no one to say them to. And not in a "no one will listen to me" way, but more in a "what I have to say is not important/interesting" kind of way.

Honestly, I'm looking forward to using this space!

3 Kudos


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Maqsud101's profile picture

Welcome! I don't know why because back in my day i was a kid i don't even have a internet. that's mean my first meeting the internet 2014 i use facebook these day's but idk i don't like facebook anymore and i can't sosialize in twitter too this place has a special vibe for me and still i don't meet any toxic person. Everyone nice here idk. I gladly say that my 2th day and this place better than any toxic platforms. (I even don't know engilish very well.)

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