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Category: Life

just gender things

today a fellow nb/trans person who i've known and been close to for 5 years misgendered me. not to my face, they were talking to my friend who sent me a sc of the convo. but it really made me fucking realise that literally nobody views me as nb. everyone just sees a girl using they/them pronouns. and it really fucking sucks because i have used they/them for up to 3 years now and still nobody fucking cares. for the past few months now i've been hanging out with people who at least use my correct pronouns, but still most of them slip up a lot. i get that it may be difficult, and it's partly my fault for always being to scared to correct people, but it still hurts to know that i'll probably never be viewed as anything but a girl to them. it's one of the main reasons i'm trying to distance myself from my old friends, they never got it right despite me actually telling them and correcting them. plus they're annoying anyways but that's besides the point. i'm just sick and tired of being misgendered and like i get it i dress fem i have big tits i don't try to be androgynous in the least but that doesn't make me any less nb! i said before i started college that i would start correcting people when they misgender me, and i didn't, but i stg i'm gonna start now. i don't care how much i hate doing it i'm gonna have to. anyways yeah mini gender rant over <3

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