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Category: Life

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I'll admit it, I am a bit of a fitness nut (among other things), and I love it! Sure, I have my bad days (everyone does), but I've come to realize exercise makes me happier. Even when I don't want to, something as simple as a walk lifts my moods (singing has the same affect on me). Unfortunately, modern society has given fitness a bad rep. Young girls and woman (men as well) strive for the "ideal body" that society praises. But why should only one body type be deemed attractive? It's true, the "ideal body" changes over the years, but why can't society accept all body types all the time? Don't get me wrong, it's okay to have preferences on what you find most attractive but no one should be put down because of their natural body type they can't control. People should work out and take care of their body for health and confidence. Instead of focusing on what to change, focus on what to enhance. In the mean time, find parts of you that you like.

As of now, I'd say I have a fairly healthy relationship with fitness and food, and I am confident. But, I have struggled in the past, I used to be obsessed with tweaking my body, and found myself dreading my next workout. Now I make exercising fun by doing activities I enjoy and spending quality time with my bf and friends. And I've found out that, overtime, I've unintentionally accomplished the tweaks younger me hoped for.

Here is a good pic of me (it's all in the pose tbh).

Who cares about "perfect"?

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Skip Jøhnson

Skip Jøhnson's profile picture

The best workout plan is one that gets you results and that you find sustainable. It's also about finding the right balance between being healthy/having fun.

Don't look at celebrities and think you can get like them working out for an hour or so every day after work. These people have access to personal trainers, dieticians, and many other things we don't. They get to dedicate weeks/months fully to getting into the shape they get in. Most of us don't have that kind of time/resources....

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Very true, I agree. Also, celebrities are under constant pressure to meet society's beauty standards.

by Jean; ; Report