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Category: Friends

Doctor Who rant, looking for friends :)

Hey guys! I'm Lance, I use he/him + neopronouns, and I'm looking for more friends who like Doctor Who! I really like the 11th Doctor, he's my personal favourite, who's yours? I like the 11th Doctor because he has child-like wonder that's contagious. He's silly and weird but intelligent, observant and powerful. While he's my favourite Doctor, I think my favourite episodes would be Season 1 Episode 9*, Season 3 Episode 10 and Season 7 Episode 1 from the newer editions. 

1) The Empty Child scared the absolute shizzle out of me at the ripe age of 9. I loved it and it made me want to keep watching, which is great because me watching resulted in finding my favourite TV show.

*I originally said episode 1, this was an accident!

2) Blink was the first episode I was introduced to. The concept of the weeping angels was really interesting to me, but it made me really paranoid whenever I watched CPK play Crazycraft because (from memory) he had a couple in front of his house. This episode shows the angels in a really interesting light and is still one of my favourites despite it being years since I've watched it.

3) Asylum of the Daleks confused the hell out of 9/10-year-old me, but I ate that up. Now I'm old enough to fully understand it's one of my favourite episodes and I like it even more than initially.  

Anyway, please tell me about your favourite Doctors and episodes! I'll go in to rewatch them! :)



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flozza's profile picture

hi! im flo, my pronouns are she/they and my fav doctors are the 10th and 12th! the first episode i remember watching was curse of the black spot and my fav episode is the impossible astronaut. IM SO EXCITED FOR THE SPECIALS :D

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veegsredds's profile picture

Heyo, Veegs here! I use he/him myself. Personal favorite Doctors are probably 11 and 12 - 11 for the same reasons you mentioned, and 12 because he just feels like the definitive Doctor, especially by series 10. And hey, I might have the same favorite story - idk if it's my all time favorite but I really do love Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.

Been rewatching series 5 and 6 lately, almost at series 7...I'm not ready to lose 11 yet, but it helps my other favorite Doctor is on the other end!

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Oh yeah, an episode I watched recently that I really like is The Doctor's Wife, some really great stuff there!

by veegsredds; ; Report

Ohhhh!! I love the 12th Doctor, personally I think he did a great job and captured some sides of the doctor that we knew were there but hadn't been explored!! I think overall Peter Capaldi was amazing at what he did.

by ☆ Nessuno:*; ; Report