As you may know, people with autism are known to have an alien way of seeing and understanding things. They can come to the same exact conclusion as a normal person, but for different reasons or different ways of reaching that conclusion. It is hard for me to explain it to people but I think now I understand it for myself personally, everything is simple and straightforward to me.
Over the years, since middle school even, I've done my best to pay attention to human nature. Late middle school reality hit me hard and I accepted I will always be weird, but that's no excuse to be ignorant and inconsiderate because "I'm special" I've come to the conclusion, humans are pretty selfish and arrogant people.
After my reality check I became a better person, I started making more friends and these friends ended up being much closer to me than anyone before. But this was still only a small amount of people. I was nice so these people were nice back, it's that simple, straightforward. But everyone else? They're only nice if they're rewarded for it, they use their friends like tools, they're always using excuses and lies to get out of trouble or they do it for pity cause they crave attention, and their mindset is everything is about them.
Everything I was taught growing up seems to go out the window once you hit middle school. My mindset is you should be a decent person because you're supposed to, being rude only causes problems while being nice helps keep your life stress free and easy going in the long run. Again, simple and straightforward. But for a 'normal' person? At this point I wonder if it's possible to acquire narcissism. But from what I observe it's: "I am decent depending on my mood, who I am talking to, and how I view this person. If I am rude that person deserved it or I am entitled to be rude, because of reasons. I am a good person so everything I do is to make myself feel good because I deserve it, if you shame me you're inconsiderate." To me that's not simple, it's confusing.
I could go on and on more about what I see but I'm sure right now I'm sounding like one of those weirdos who go "Humanity is evil and I am above everyone" Guess this is where the 'alien' views come into play, everything I do makes sense to me, yet I am always seeing people around me who do things I never would, but they are praised for it. It is like we live in a society that thrives off of mental gymnastics. Gotta list people a million reasons about why you do something, because one reason isn't enough anymore. Like you cannot give your view and opinion and stand firm with it, you have to give out so many until the other person finally tells you "Okay I will tolerate you"
Thank you for listening to some random autist venting probably next month I will have a tiny thought and somehow turn it into a long blog post
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Events beyond our control and set in motion ages ago are probably responsible for this.
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Alveus Nosville
Like you cannot give your view and opinion and stand firm with it, you have to give out so many until the other person finally tells you "Okay I will tolerate you"
whew, this one hits hard
learned this at some point in or before middleschool, it's either that or you gotta explain in great detail what made you arrive at that conclusion, thankfully I enjoy a good discussion
as for the using friends as tools part, it certainly seems like people who do that are easier to notice than everyone else, I assume that'sjust one of the things they use their "friends" for but that's hardly representative of humanity at large, sure we do fall to excuses to save our ass but unless you argue with your friends a lot if you're in that situation it's an unusual and scary situation, it's only natural to go into self preservation mode when those appear because it turns out all brains are weird and they often don't do a good job of determining if stress appeared in a life-or-death scenario or just a social problem. Are there objectively better ways to handle that and would it be better to be sincere? Yes. But stress rarely has you do what's best, it has you do whatever first thing that might save your butt is that pops into your mind. Downplaying your fault happens to be just that very often, for myself as well, and let me assure you I do not feel good about it, byt I do have my good friends and we are very close after many years so I can't say it's not effective either.
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