hey hey!! back from the dead lol
I've been promoted at work!!! I'm a shift lead now and got a nice raise!! It's something a lot of people would probably scoff and turn their nose up at, but for me it means the world no matter how small it is!
I've become something of a right hand man to my dm, I schedule the rooms and take notes. its a ton of fun to coordinate and gives me something to do between sessions.
I've returned to therapy. I like my new therapist, she didn't make me fight to prove my identity and was very clear in setting boundaries with my parents. I hope this goes well!!
I've been going through a really rough time with my mental health lately, and I am so fucking thankful for my loved ones who've supported me and stuck with me as I work back towards recovery. It's been hard to accept help and that I'm worthy of healing, but I'm getting there. It's been a lot of fear, a lot anger, a lot of guilt, a lot of sadness, but I am here. And I am dead set on getting better!
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