Today was nice! I might be going to a convention near me in a few days and I'm so excited! I'm going as Jack Kelly from Newsies (the musical). Now I could go on and on about how much I love Newsies and Jack Kelly, but I don't feel like typing all that. I need more friends who like Newsies. I have no one to talk to about my love for musicals.
Anyways. It's me and my boyfriend's one month mark but I don't think he remembered. I posted him on my snapchat and my Instagram. He doesn't have social media so there's no way he could've seen those. Maybe that shows how fastidious I can be when it comes to the people I love.
Anyways. I got stuff for my Jack Kelly cosplay today! I had nothing for this cosplay before a few days ago so I'm going to be con crunching a lot this week. The first time I got stuff, the pants I got were too big (they were thrifted) so I'm probably going to sell them online (the same price I got them for) and give that money back to my mom.
Back to musical theater, the classes have been going amazingly! I've gotten a lot more confident singing in front of my classmates. I even tried out for a solo! I have a feeling I got one of the two solos I tried out for, but I don't know for sure until next week. I'll update when I find out, probably in my bulletins. We're doing a Christmas musical review and one of the songs is A Christmas Song from Elf (Jr?). There's two solo parts, Buddy and Jovie. I'm cool with both. I want Buddy's part a little more because he has more singing parts. But Jovie has more speaking parts. I don't care which one I get but I just hope I get one.
Maybe, instead of giving up on blogging completely, I can blog weekly! Blogging is super fun for me. I know no one reads these though.
Anyways, I hope you have a good week!
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