Hey Hi Hello Im Back (for now)

Yes, I have been gone if you couldn't tell already I apologize BUT BUT BUT I have some tea to spill since I've been gone. I will make different blogs about it because they are all different things so I will just tell you the most recent.


So I have 2 Pitbulls at the moment and like 2-3, maybe 4 years ago there was an incident that they were fighting. Like blood and everything. And it was just about a stupid bone. We found out that they couldn't be by each other at all! We decided to do the most logical thing and keep them apart as much as possible but sometimes, they get together...and it's not good. Now because of the original fight, one of the dogs (Princess) went blind. However, she can still see shadows (we believe). she usually depends on smell to see what dog she's near so if she smells the other dog (Envy) she goes straight into attack mode because she knows that Envy is gonna do the same thing. Also, Envy is stranger than princess because she's younger and Princess taught her how to grab and shake her head to get like a toy or something which was very bad on her part.

Anyways, now to what happened yesterday night. I was on the phone with my partner who ill just call bob for privacy reasons. Bob and I were just talking about school and teasing each other blah blah blah relationship stuff. But randomly, I would hear a noise that someone is lightly kicking my door or gate which is the noise my dog makes when she goes up to the door. That noise happened 3 times before I went to open it. I open my door to see Princess in front of my door and Envy next to her. I was initially confused until I realized that Princess was outside and my sister let her in. This meant that her door wasn't closed all the way and Envy opened it and started roaming. Before I could do anything, Princess turned around and started attacking princess while I screamed at the sight, making my sister come out of my mom's room. The worst part is when the dogs fight, my mom is usually there so my sister and her get them off. Well, she was riding her motorcycle when it happened and was far away from the house. My sister tried to pry them I'm looking for my mom because, at the time, I didn't know where she was. After searching for her for a second I came back and I and my sister do what she did last time and grab their hind legs. My sister called my mom our Alexa in the living room and she was trying to explain what happened but I know she wouldn't be able to hear her so I just screamed to alert her something was wrong. She hung up the phone so we knew she was on her way. Lisa (my sister but for privacy reasons) and I both had the hind legs of the dogs but they just wouldn't let go at all (I had Princess and Lisa had Envy). I didn't know how strong I was until that day because I kept pulling my sister and then had to let go a bit so she could readjust. After what felt like hours they both tried to regrip to each other at the same time but were unsuccessful since we had their hind legs. Lisa and I both made the dogs go opposite directions with Lisa going somewhere in the Living Room with Envy as she waited for me to go outside with Princess. When outside I took her into the garage as she was bleeding so I was panicking as I was scattering stuff in the garage like peroxide, towels, etc. Turns out there was an unopened bag of cotton balls so I took a handful and put it on her face.

After that traumatizing moment, we found out that there were 5 to 6 puncture wounds on Princess's head and neck while Envy only had some scratches to the face. So yeah, thats what happened yesterday but there is still more to come!

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