So it's 8een a while since I made an entry huh? I'll try to mostly share a8out today, 8ut I have other news to share too. I did end up going to a mental hospital sometime in early August which helped out a lot actually!!!!!!!! I'm improving myself slowly and doing my 8est to take things easy which I'm very proud of. Unfortun8ly, I've 8een struggling more with self-destructive 8ehaviors and poor coping skills. ::::( I also discovered that I'm likely a system and have 8een talking to my therapist a8out my experiences rel8ed to dissoci8tive disorders, 8ut I don't want to pu8licly say much until I'm diagnosed. I've 8een posting a good deal of my art on my art 8log if you'd like to check it out. ::::D
More on today specifically though, It's 8een pretty good!!!!!!!! I got to see my therapist and actually start on cognitive behavioral therapy with her, as well as getting to talk to her about struggles with self-destructive coping mechanisms. I did some work in 8iology and Art today too which was fun!!!!!!!! Sadly, I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed my 8us home and had to sit at the transit center for a whole hour which was literally so 8ad ugh. >::::( I 8asically just slept the rest of the day after that cause I didn't sleep much the night 8efore. It's 8een fun getting to upd8 you guys on things, 8ut I'll upd8 you on tomorrow very soon!!!!!!!! <33333333
Diary Upload - 2022/10/6
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Hope it goes well for ya, bud.
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Thank you!!!!!!!! I'm hoping so too. ::::)
by arachnidsAuxiliatrix; ; Report