I don't even ask myself what life is for. I believe it is up to you or your faith. It's the simpler and better reply to me. But I still find no response to: why? Not even why are we here, as we're a product of nature and/or God, but why life is at all. It seems that life contradicts the concept of void.
It is hard to imagine already that space doesn't end. I don't have any scientific knwoledge about this matter. But I can simply not stop thinking that it would be a nonsense to say that the infinite space can be called "void". Our mind wants to see barriers, but there's none. The world may be ending but space and time, never. There is something. There is no void, there is an everything and more. It's full, so full that we can not find the end of it.
Unlike Marina says, even though I really love her song Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land (such a lovely title), I am my DNA.
Free will implies endless possibilities, but it seems to be coming from nowhere but our own volition... which is not limitless, and is influenced by material factors and many obstacles or opportunities. DNA is what defines you, as it is the very thing that will first influence all your characteristics. DNA has a much larger influence on who you are than your environment. DNA defines your ethnic background, therefore which culture, language and historical background you will relate to. This will then influence too your opinions on certain political matters, certain people, certain cultures. An Algerian like me certainly doesn't hold France in its heart as a friend, even though I do respect its importance and love french poetry.
Basically, we're determined beings. DNA offers endless possibilities, much more than free will ever will. You could have been someone totally different if it weren't for a little difference in the random association of genes you received. You could have been a totally different person, or to be more explicit, you wouldn't exist at all, if one of your parents had decided to have children with a different partner, therefore changing by 50% (or more, I believe) the possibilities of genes you'd receive.
You are very much your DNA. What you are and who you become depends on something that happened before you were born. Endless possibilities. We live in an endless world with endless possibilities and such is life.
Space, time, DNA, life, endless. Full. Void doesn't exist. Where there is life, there is "something". A root to begin with. What it may grow as? Depends. Possibilities. Determined possibilities. We're made in the image of life. Void is a nonsense.
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