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Category: Religion and Philosophy

re-evaluation of relationship?

it gets better- no it doesn’t. We just choose to believe that until what we think is better, inevitably approaches us. “Better” is different for every person, so how can I be so sure it gets better? It feels like every action someone takes- is in a favor against me. Maybe they want me to reach my ultimate fate. Maybe every person who works against me just tries to get me one more notch to killing myself. Everyone knows everyone, that fact is something that flies over my head every now and then. My mistake was entrusting the world and my surroundings that “so and so” didn’t know “so and so”. One of my greatest mistakes, I believe. But remember, everyone knows someone who knows someone. Now, everyone has a moment where they think ‘everyone can’t possibly know someone!’... The six degrees of separation is a concept that has been around for a while. Maybe someone you know doesn’t directly talk to another person you know. But something they know, knows someone who knows someone who knows someone. I think i’m getting off track. What I’m trying to say is that the worst people I know, may not be directly in relation to someone I know personally, but they probably know someone who knows someone who knows someone. The concept of relation is an endless expanse, and frankly I hate to say it, but I wish no one knew anyone. The way people communicate with each other is unique in every conversation. The way people choose sides with each other is unique in every dispute. 

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