Hajime no ippooooo

So like i mentioned in my last blog entry, I've been watching some Hajime no Ippo and I have to say, great anime!

I've really enjoyed the openings and soundtrack the anime has and the characters are all pretty good, but once I hit episode 53 I was surprised, I felt the opening was decenttt?? It doesn't blow me away and I'm consisently skipping it now cuz it's just instrumentals for 1 minute and 30 seconds. 

And the art/animation quality has dropped tremendously, I dont know if their budget was cut here or something but it's been really annoying and I'm watching less and less episodes per week because of it, it felt like it really came out of nowhere. 

So I'm basically just asking if anyone think's it's worth it to keep watching this arc or if i should just skip.


0 Kudos


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