combatting anxiety one ao3 fic at a time

not really sure what category this fit in to, life? books? blogging? i've just put it in "writing" as it pertains to my ao3 i suppose. so here's my little anecdote about mental health and fanfiction.

today i left my first ever comment on a fanfiction. for me, there's a big difference leaving a comment on a youtube video that the creator probably won't see, and leaving a comment on a fanfiction that the writer definitely will see - and i know bc when i used to write on wattpad (shock horror wattpad i know i'm sorry i'm a changed man) i read every single comment. 

commenting on this fanfic was a big step for me, bc i have horrible social anxiety. even though it's online and relatively anonymous, it still scared the crap out of me to do so. it wasn't even some amazing comment, it was just a "hi love your work i get very happy when this fic updates thanks <3" basically, but it was still a big thing for me to do.

i'm also trying to do similar things in a discord server i'm in. when i first joined the server, i never spoke or replied or anything, i was just observing. but recently i've been posting in some of the channels and replying to people as well! it's a big step for me but it's gone well so far. 

i'm unsure where i'm going with this, i just wanted to acknowledge my growth i guess? idk, but from now on i'm sure i'll comment on even more ao3 fics, and slowly but surely i'll get better at socialising online! after that, who knows, but it's baby steps for now.

(also if anyone's interested, the fic is a trent crimm x ted lasso one. best ship <3)

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Mach's profile picture

I get this! I struggle a ton with social anxiety too.

On the topic of commenting on fics, I saw someone talk about how important it is to keep the community alive, and it's definitely helped me be at least a bit more vocal about works I enjoy. Getting a comment by an account definitely must feel more significant to the author compared to getting one from an anon, but it's still great to have an option to remain anonymous in this case.

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exactly! wow i'm glad people understand and feel the same!

by ★ SCRAZ ★; ; Report