school pt3 😨

also in the last part i forgot to mention i have prax/ practica or smth like that every other week. for one week we have normal school and then the other we have prax yk.... anyways its like we go to this restaurant and we help out in kitchen w stuff and sometimes its so overwhelming😭😨 the ladies there are adults and i always feel like they are judging us and stuff cause there is this one "Maria" and she is such a b☠️ like girlll gtfo u dumb ass, she is literally combination of two horrible teachers from old school ☠️☠️☠️ anyways..

 so far i have handed out soups to ppl in the front (7/10 not bad), cleaned dishes (8/10 got to be with one of my classmate, fun, the dishes were BOILING) packed food for deliveries (5/10 had to work super fast😭 also BOILING) washed kitchen dishes (3/10 never again, most of the time i didnt know where what belongs☠️) i hope i will be doing smth else next week causeeeee

also we have to wear all white clothes and some weird doctor shoes so i look ugly asf☹️☹️☹️ prax<<<<<

next half year we going to work at bakery so i hope its going to be better 😭😭😭

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