Old Writing I wanted to Share - (Not that old, like 2018 old)

So, get this.

A guy walks into an Italian restaurant, right? He’s fairly good looking, you know the kind - younger, but he’s not a kid. Finely combed blond hair, wearing a pressed dress shirt with the collar folded, looking as crisp as a fresh hundred dollar bill. He’s nice and neat, either a businessman or a mob boss and you can’t really tell which. His tie is a solid burgundy, the shirt is black; the match is well-planned and makes his eyes pop. He sits at the bar, back straight as a board, teeth glittering when he smiles in the dim light. 

Dark blue eyes lock with the bartender’s, and he nods. Said bartender nods back. No words, no pleasantries, simply action, like the man is a regular here. 

A few minutes later, the aforementioned bartender slides a triple martini onto the bar in front of the man who might be a mob boss.

Normal, everyday stuff, right? 

Rewind a bit for me. 

Play that scene over again, but pretend you don’t see the undeniable human perfection of the guy sitting at the bar. I mean, you do see that, of course you do, but there’s more to him. Imagine that, when the light shifts just right, you can see glimpses of something. Something else. Something that’s a little less normal. 

Maybe it’s a flash of slate grey skin in the arch of his cheek bone.

Is that a streak of silver in his hair? 

Are you going crazy, or are his eyes solid black? Weren’t they blue a minute ago?

Oh, and there might just be a razor sharp edge to those perfect teeth. 

Imagine, now, that this supposedly normal, average, handsome young man isn’t as human as you first thought. 

Imagine that you’re the only person in the room who can see him for what he truly is. The only one in a sea of people that looks sideways at this man, and sees the terror beneath the glamour. You can’t share it with anyone, how could you? They’d think you had finally cracked under the stress of life. Except this is your life, this is what you’ve always seen. What no one else can see.

This is my life. I’m Arthur, Arthur McClellan, and I was not a good listener when I was a kid. That’s important information - it’ll tell you that I’m not the brightest, and it was easy for kids like me to disappear into a forest glen and never be heard from again.

I got lucky, if you want to call it that. Now instead of being trapped forever in a Faery realm, I can see through their disguises while they wander the human world.

0 Kudos


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