rai_Blogz08's profile picture

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Category: Life

Feelings and teen depression

I feel like no one understands what I feel like. People say that I am acting like a victim, some people say the world would be a better place without me. I just don't understand why I'm here! There is no need. There's a saying "everything is meant to happen" or something right now I just can't focus at the moment. I feel like I'm doing something wrong! There must be, I mean there must be a reason for people to hate me and think the worst of me. Is there a reason for me to feel anxious? Not sure but like I don't wanna be milking it and making anyone feel sorry for me, I just want people to know what it feels like for a teenager when they are suffering from anxiety. I hope someone understands me. Even my friends thought in betraying them because I moved schools. I mean like they just ignored me for a whole week while I was there. I dunno I feel like they feel like I'm betraying them. I wish I could socialize well and feel wanted. Sometimes I feel like Im having social anxiety when I'm at weddings or soming I just wanna cry. Anyway I just wanted to blog bout my feelings so that I can relate to someone.

 blog by: rai

➤date published: 2021
➤via chromium browser
➤OS: Windows 10

Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer

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Sazid's profile picture

Just hang in there. You’re going through the hardest time of your life. Live the life for yourself, cause nobody can love you more than yourself.

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Thanks mate! I will.

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


333H3llBl4ckC4t666's profile picture

I felt this way too much.. I try to be happy the best I can but feel like I never will be and never deserved it, every time I try to talk to my mom about this I feel like she doesn't understand, you can't just stop being depressed by doing something that makes you happy, while it does make you happy you will still always feel depressed it never goes away, I just wish my mom wouldn't act like she knows everything..

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same! Thank you so much for relating i really do feel like this is an issue that needs to be sorted out, like parents should be educated on how teens will feel!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


rai_Blogz08's profile picture

Wow this blog really blew up! Thanks for relating and thanks for the advice it really means a lot and I feel like I'm getting better now!

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The English Assassin

The English Assassin's profile picture

Maybe because I'm much older than you, my comments won't help you, but I've got to give it a try. Just like you, my teenage years were hard. As I look back I realize that I worried so much about who I was, how I looked (I definitely didn't like how I looked), what others thought off me, etc. Please just know a few things:
1. Make sure to have someone (or a few someone's) that you feel comfortable being honest with. Sometimes just being able to talk, even when there are no answers, is really helpful.
2. It does get better. Teenage years can be particularly tough because of the physical and emotional changes you are going through. And because other teenagers can be very cruel. It probably seems way off, but your 20s will be here sooner than you expect. They will be better.
3. Access to social media and bad news all the time is fundamentally bad for all of us. It stresses and depresses us. If the stuff you do online doesn't make you feel better, then find ways to cut back (we really are not evolved enough from our ancient ancestors to be able to handle the bombardment we often get online).
4. Chose to be a good friend to others and 'know' that you are a good friend. When you are there for others it is harder to feel so down about yourself.
I hope some of this helps.

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I did help! Thanks for writing all that for me! I'm so glad you helped me.

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


C.B. SMALLWOOD's profile picture

Hang in there.
Being a teenager is hard. You're trying to find yourself. Figure out who you are while at the same being flooded with emotions that at times you may feel so little in control of. Add to that the social pressures of trying to fit in or at times to be left alone.
I just want you to know that you are not alone. There are people both young and old that are going through or have gone through what you are experiencing. And it's no joke. Its rough and makes you want to curl up in a corner and hide. Myself, I must have missed like 2 or 3 months of school one year because between the bullies and the awkwardness, it was too much.

I hope that you will come to understand that life is like a roller coaster. There will be ups on this ride and life will couldn't be any better! And then, just like a roller coaster, get ready for fall, because it's coming. But know these things are gonna go up again. That's the nature of life. And understanding that will help you during the rough times.

If you have friends that aren't patient with you and are constantly judging you, then they are not friends. They are acquaintances, people you hang out with to survive the environment you're in, whether that be school, work, or other social events. Learn to know the difference between a true friend and an acquaintance. Friends are rare, for everybody. And when you have one be good to them as they should be good to you. Hang on to them.

I recommend, that you pray, daily. It does not matter for the most part if you believe in God, what matters is you throw up your concerns, your fears, what makes you angry, and what you want out of life. Vocalize your burdens, your sorrows, and your joys. Prayer is a conversation (as hard as that is to believe), a chance to sort your thoughts, and it's meditation. Make a habit of doing this daily and you will find your life will change. First, you will change and then you will notice changes to your environment.

Second, social media. Understand sites like Facebook and Twitter are not designed to make you feel good. This isn't a conspiracy theory. This information is out there. These sites get more engagement from showing you things and people that make you upset, angry or both just to keep you logged in longer.
Also, if you got people bullying you or being negative toward you on social media, TAKE THEIR POWER AWAY by TURNING OFF YOUR PHONE or COMPUTER. Social media is a FANTASY. It's not real. YOU ARE REAL. And whatever bad things people are saying now on social media toward you will eventually fade away and regardless, understand things do and will change.

At some point, you'll graduate from school. You'll either get a job, go to college, join the military, move in with someone or sit at the house. Everyone else you know (good or bad) will be doing one of these things. And all that negative stuff thrown your way will disappear. Life goes on.

In the meantime, Go watch tv, hang out with friends. go for a walk, play a game, see a movie. Go to a store, not to buy anything, but just to walk around.
Find something you love or some activity and throw yourself into. Take a martial art class, make art, make music, study plants...etc. Find your passion if you haven't already. Passions can lead to careers.

Anyway, sorry for the long post. I just want you to know you're not alone, anxiety is real & tough, hang in there, things do get better, pray, and when things are good or bad remember you're on a roller coaster and things can change at any given time.

Hope you're having a good day and things have worked out for you since your last blog post.

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Hi. TYSM for the encouragement! (your comment wasn't a burden to read at all, i love long comments, gives me something to do and read) I have found a hobby (html, css ,js, web design) it does really help and i have realized that this can be a job. thanks so much for the amazing advice, god bless!

I'm adding you right away!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


Cristina_Yang's profile picture

I've felt this way too and it's horrible :(

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Thank you for relating! 🫂

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


gal.ish111's profile picture

i relate to you and understand you very much. i wish it wasn't so difficult all the time, i wish i could breath freely for a moment. just existing makes me overwhelmed so much.. but idk why i have faith that it's going to be better someday. whoever said being a teenager is fun, fucking lied. i know it will be better. i truly hope you find an answer soon and feel easy.♡

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Thank you for supporting me! And yes teenage years are friggin sooooo hard

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


Frankie<3's profile picture

Im so sorry you feel that way, i know the feeling all too well. Please stay safe and ik its hard rn but it truly does get better

sending lots of love and hugs - Frnky

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Thank you 🫂virtual hug🫂

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Central Presbyterian Church, Fort Smith, AR

Central Presbyterian Chur...'s profile picture

We want you to know that you are not alone! Our pastor's wife battles bipolar disorder and anxiety, and she is open about it. We have an entry on our blog with her story if you are interested in reading.

Depression and anxiety are very real. They are not something you can wish, will or pray away. We know it's tough and it hurts. We are sorry for all you are going through right now. However, please also know that there is hope and resources available if you need it. We've listed some in her story.

Sending hugs and all good things your way!

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Thank you so much I really appreciate your support and sympathy it really means a lot

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


Ramiro's profile picture

Honestly bro, most of those issues you will be able to just brush off as you go into college and then after college they will be barely in your mind. The main thing you gotta focus on is learning who YOU are and not what other people want you to be. If you feel like u dont fit in thats bc most kids in school are just big pretenders trying their hardest to fit in. As you grow older you will find people that think and feel and are interested in similar things that u are. But always remember who u are and what your values are and sticking to them

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Thank you for restoring faith 🫂

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


littleben's profile picture

This may or may not help coming from a much older guy but 2 things I want to bring up is

1) Public schools suck. They are packed with underpaid and overworked teachers, and students who mostly have parents who could give half a shit what they do with their day or how they treat other people. Thrusting children into massively stressful social environments is not something I advocate. Especially in our modern environment. This is why my goddaughters are home-schooled.

2) Life isn't really about what other people can do for you... it's about what you can do for other people. Most teenagers will not embrace this concept and I understand that. But if you ever do, I PROMISE you your entire life and mindset changes. Almost overnight. There is no better feeling in the world than helping other people. And once this becomes a priority in your life, it gives you purpose. And purpose is what we are all truly searching for. A reason to be here. Just like you said in your blog.

I genuinely wish you the best on your journey. It's a cliche, but it's true... joy cannot be found without.. it can only ever truly come from within. My best to you. P.S... I'm a guy who is mixed race and to this day does not know nor have I met any biological family in my entire lifetime. I know what it means to feel alone, and without purpose, better than most. But... I am happy. I have joy. I have friends. I have family. This isn't the world I was given, it was the world I created. And I have no doubt you can do the same as well. My best to you.

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Thank you for the inspirational comment! I do agree that you cannot change other people but you can change yourself and help others

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


charlotte's profile picture

ugh i have anxiety really bad too. like, i want to make friends at my school but like this sinking feeling in my stomach keeps getting in my way. i get so annoyed when ppl say it's all in my head and i need to push through it. like no DUH it's in my head - anxiety is a mental illness. it's so frustrating bc my sisters say that I'm the only thing getting in my way. like gee thank you I'm cured now

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Exactly! Same things happen to me. All of the things you just said I can relate to.

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Dysphoria 🖤

Dysphoria 🧡🖤's profile picture

Just take it one day at a time, alot of us go through it but it's never the same, not everyone will understand the decisions you make just do what you need to do to make sure you're okay, it takes a while but one day you will be okay I promise

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Thank you

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


nydajah's profile picture

hey, teen depression can suck but you will overcome everything that that has been happening i promise you, i been in the same situation and its so hard to get out of depression but it will get better if you push yourself for the best. dont let it take over who you are!

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Thank you for the great advice!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


Milla's profile picture

i can relate. in skool i got really depressed and lots of people thiught i am Seeking attention. now i am suffering from anxiety and i always feel like something bad will happen especially after this incident that happened with my friend. i have always suffered from social anxiety and my mum used to say "anyone can buy something at a shop! go do it!" even though i am too scared to even do that.

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Omg me too! I'm also scared to go to the shop keeper and talk. It's just soooo hard gets you out of your comfort zone (I hate getting out of my comfort zone).

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Yeah and people also think that just cuz everyone else can do it we can do it. Like it doesn't work that way, some people's Brian's are just built differently!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

you guys just made my day it's great being able to relate to sumn ^^

by Milla; ; Report

Your welcome!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


Shakiya's profile picture

I am currently sitting in my dr waiting room to be seen for my depression because I don’t have much fight left in me and what I do have need to be everything I can give to my daughter. I’m exhausted and my heart is heavy. My mind is foggy with numbness because I don’t wanna feel the pain I feel I cause my significant other. You are never alone and there is always someone fighting the same fight as you. You’re loved and would be missed, that’s what at I tell myself. Hang in there, I don’t wanna fight alone either

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Let's fight together! Thank you fro your powerful words, it is people like you who should be leaders

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

I truly appreciate it, I want to go back to school for a BA in Mental Health Psychology but i got to be alive to do it

by Shakiya; ; Report

Well you make sure you chase your dreams okay! You can do this! You can help so many other with their mental health you'll be a hero!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Well you make sure you chase your dreams okay! You can do this! You can help so many other with their mental health you'll be a hero!

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Lol I don’t know about all that but help one another sounds great

by Shakiya; ; Report


by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Kristen M

Kristen M's profile picture

I know it seems really hard to do, but you have to keep pushing and fighting depression. It doesn't seem like things will get better right now, but they will if you keep waking up every day determined to beat depression. Be honest with your parents about how you are feeling. Hopefully they can get you a therapist that you can open up to because that helps more than a lot of people realize. I suffer from social anxiety as well, but I've been making an effort to force myself to get out more and I can definitely feel the difference in myself. Surround yourself with people that make you feel happy because isolating yourself will only give you more time to allow negative thoughts to take over.

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I agree! I have to stay determined and not let negative thoughts overcome me🫂

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

Willow (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)

Willow (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)'s profile picture

ur mind is honestly ur worst enemy sometimes. i battle with social anxiety too, been struggling my whole life with it. im a jr in hs now and its kinda gotten better ? things get better with time but also remember to put urself out there. its terrifying. but ur never gonna get used to life if u dont suffer sometimes. if possible try to speak to a therapist so they can guide u thru working out the anxiety. professional help def worked for me. i wish u all the best

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That's great advice! I should try that. It's true I won't get anywhere in life if I just feel sorry for myself and not move on !

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report

faith <3

faith <3's profile picture

I relate to u sm right now :( hopefully it gets better in hs

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Thanks bestie! I'm glad that I can relate with people

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report


Mersaddles's profile picture

Your feelings are very valid. And it's not uncommon to feel social anxiety as a teen. Sometimes this anxiety can follow you into adulthood. It's all about how you go on living your life to accommodate to the anxiety or seek any treatment to help with it. I would consider having a serious talk with your folks if you share a relationship with them that you feel will allow them to listen to your concerns. Be open and honest on how you feel in social situations.

Social anxiety unfortunately doesn't go away but there are methods on how to handle it better to reach a better quality of life daily.

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Thank you for the great advice! I am trying to get out of my comfort zone now, so hopefully that goes well

by rai_Blogz08; ; Report