The saga of RS lessons

Religious studies is one of those subjects that really heavly depends on if the teacher gives a crap about what they're teaching. My y7 teacher sucked, but she only hates year 7s. I totally agree with her, year 7s are assholes no exception. I had her as a form teacher in year 8 and on the first day she made a joke on how nobody in this class likes her. Safe to say she was  one of the chill ones. Shame she left last year. 

My teacher from y8 hated me and I hated her back. She was one of the strict ones who would only give you 2 days to do the homework (this was a big deal then as most subjects gave you a week.) She was really fussy when it came to homework: most of my late homework marks were because of her. RS homework is mainly essay writing and she was really picky when it came to punctuation and quotes. Half of the lesson was just her rambling on about what we did wrong in the homework in her harsh voice. 

One time I didn't submit a homework in time so she asked me why. Now I want trying a new technique by not responding and just stared at her. She got really offended and told me to go out the classroom. 5 minuits later she walked to where I was and asked why I wasn't responding. I still stared at her. I'm not sure how it ended, I probably just gave up and went back to my usual technique of only responding with "yes, no, ok and idk". She was the reason I hated Mondays then.

But then, I got an actually good teacher in year 9, who is my RS teacher today. Mrs Ginger Lady. She was the vice head teacher and only had 2 classes: my year 9 class and some 6th form class. She had a harsh tone in her voice but was actually a really good teacher if you don't piss her off. Unlike the strict one from y8, Mrs Ginger Lady actually liked the subject she was teaching; and was notable for going on 20 minuits discussions because someone (mostly me) asked a question. The only problems I have with her is that there's a 1 in 3 chance she'll come to class 20 minuits late because of vice head teacher stuff. Also in year 9 for some reason you start RS GCSEs 1 year early and you get 2 lessons a week; but the lessons were actually interesting now so I never complained. Last December she held an assembly on how the overcomercialisation of Christmas pisses her off. 

I got Mrs Ginger Lady in year 10. The topic currently is like relationships and morality stuff in Christianity, Buddhism and humanism and it's actually really interesting. The lesson I had today was about Christian beliefs about gay relationships, and she went on a whole rant on how she doesn't understand why Catholics hate gay people when God made them gay (I think I started it) and I'm 99% sure she's agnostic. She never mentioned if she's religious or not and refuses to say as she doesn't want to put any bias; but after her speach I'm fairly certain. She said I was doing really well in RS (probably because I keep interrupting in class by constantly yelling out the answer) and apparently she called my mum to tell the news that Im not a complete wreck and that ik doing something right. Tbh I don't see what's different. I haven't put any extra effort in work, I guess she's just more chill this year. 

So uhhhh, Mrs Ginger Lady if you ever see this somehow, hi. 

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