
name: El


how old are you?: not telling

zodiac sign: Libra 

current location: school

eye color: blue

hair color: dirty strawberry blonde

hair type: huh?

height: 5’3

your heritage: Poland, germany, white

what's your middle name?: Artemia and Rae (I have 2)

shoes you wore today: ur mom

your weakness: “Are you ok?” 

your fear: hurting ppl around me and treadmills (long story)

have you ever ridden a mechanical bull?: no

do you want to?: not rllly

a goal you would like to achieve this year: finish the rough draft of my book

first thought when you wake up: why is the sky still darl?

best physical feature: my eyes or nose

who is your best friend?: Bailey, Anna, josh, Olivia, Simryn, Siara, etc, etc

when is your bedtime?: 10 pm, on weekends whenever

your most cherished memory: every time I was happy

Pepsi or coke?: coke

mcd or burger king?: idk

single or group dates?: group

what is the last song you sang?: boyfriend by dove Cameron

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: depends it needs to be electric

what is your biggest pet peeve?: bending corners of books

have you ever drank?: sorta

have you ever been drunk?: no

have you ever smoked?: no

have you ever "smoked?":wut?

do you sing?: yeah

do you want to go to college?: yes! 

have you ever been in love?: yes

do you want to get married?: yes

do you believe in yourself?: no

do you believe in others?: yes

do you like thunderstorms?: yes

do you play an instrument?: drumset, base 

what country would you like to visit?: 

how many CDs do you own?: too many

how many DVDs do you own?: too many

how many tattoos do you have?: 0 but I really want them

how many piercings do you have?: 0

how many things in the past do you regret?: a lot of things 


shoes: I cant decide

radio station: refuge

drink: lemonade or tea

car: 0

place: library

song: too many to list

movie: too many

moment: idk

Color: teal, black, lavender, and grey

meal: everything


in a person

eye color: any

hair color: any 

short or long hair: any

height: any

body type: any

ethnicity: any

piercings: any

tattoos: any

right now

what is today's date?: 9/28

what time is it?: 11:30 am

who are you thinking of?: my celeb crushes

what are you listening to?: guys screaming

do you love someone?: idk

do you know where your mechanical bull is? huh?

does someone love you?: hopefully

is it raining?: no


are you happy?: sorta

0 Kudos


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