uh poop and pee and everything WONDERFUL in this world.
i've come to grace the internet with me? idk. just a 21 year old who misses early 2000's internet and wishes i was old enough to enjoy it in its prime so uh. yeah. will i forget to post here every week? YEA sure. will i come back to this in 3 years and be like OH... i made that? yep. done it once before doesn't mean i'll do it again. wow, it's the crippling ADD talking. hopefully i can be somewhat consistent if i'm not then sorry, if i am hi, nice to meet you! Period AH, period UH period AH, period UH! okay.. bye.
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yep here again 22 and FORGOT this existed wouldn't it be funny if i just did this and forgot about this account every year that would be funny.
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