AyanoNova's profile picture

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Category: Life

Hi Hi~ Intro

Hiya! I'm AyanoNova, But you can call me Aya. Nice to meet everyone! I wanted to try and post something. So, let's try an introduction thing.

I love old websites and old things from the 2000s, so a friend of mine told me about this site! So, I'm super happy that I'm able to find something similar to MySpace. ^^

I tried to decorate my page to something I'd have it as back in the day (Credit to Leo, thanks! ^^) I also use Winamp, so If you wanna know my current skin, look at my about me (It looks quite tacky and idk how to fix it without breaking the link- x( so sorry about that!)
I am using Nozomi Tojo from LoveLive as my profile avatar until I make a better one xD

I love things like video games, anime and whatnot, and I have that all over my page. xD
I love the Scene, Emo and Gothic fashion and styles, but I don't really have the confidence to pull that sort of thing off xP. I also love to draw and listen to music ^^

I also have a BitView, and a Youtube, both named Super87Nova, So I might start posting my art and such on there too soon ^^

Hm, I'm not sure about what else to write, heh, I am pretty boring. But I guess this is a test-! Anyway, Thanks to everyone for friend requests! and I hope I can talk to everyone soon ^^

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_Cherry vintage_

_Cherry vintage_'s profile picture

Hola 👋 puedo ser tu amiga :D?

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Oh! Hi!! Sorry, I can't understand but Thanks! ^^;;

by AyanoNova; ; Report