first week of college ✓

today was the end to my first week of college/sixth-form! woohoo! yay me for only missing one day due to fresher's flu! seriously though it's very real i've been ill with a cold all week.

despite illness it's been a very successful week i'd say, lessons-wise at least. friends-wise i've only really made one, and my other potential friend is dropping the class we have together so guess i won't be talking to her much anymore aha. but the teachers are all great and the content of my lessons has been good (especially religion like we're doing philosophy atm and it's very interesting!) so the week as a whole has been productive.

it's annoying having to wake up at 6am most days, and sometimes getting home at 6pm, but it's just part of the experience i suppose. the train journeys are alright too, provided you can actually get a seat. i swear the entirety of my year at secondary chose to go to the same college so all like 200 of us get the train at 9am it's a hassle really. but it's all part of it too.

i'm very tired right now, so thank god we have a 3-day weekend due to the Queen's death, but i'm going to go now and make some banana bread and sleep.

also if you have any tips on making friends please let me know because all i've learnt from this first week is how goddamn socially awkward i am :)

0 Kudos


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