Ghost stories

So, here's a funny little story my sister told me

One time she went to sleep, and she had a dream where a funny little ghost boy with no face was staring at her at the end of her bed, and when she woke up her roommate was praying, and the next day she asked her roommate why she was praying and she said it was because she had a dream where the funny little ghost boy with no face was staring at her too

and I'm pretty sure there's a ghost in our house because my other sister apparently always gets full right before she finishes a snack (for example chips) and there's always enough for one person, and when you eat it it tastes weird, even if it's right after she eats it, so there's a theory there's a funny little ghost following her, and that it eats the food she leaves

also, my sisters would lose stuff a lot, and they'd check these certain spots like a spot in a drawer and the thing wouldn't be there, and they'd be really sure of that because they'd check it multiple times, and when they would check it again it would be right there.

So there's a funny little ghost boy in our house who likes to play

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I keep saying funny little

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