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Category: Life

Do The Right Thing!

 Do the right thing!

 This quote has always been something my sister, my niece and I used to say back in the day. It was lightly thrown around to be silly, but it was also something we believed. 

Growing up I was taught to be respectful, kind, and loving. All good things to teach your kids and I will one day teach to mine when I am blessed with one of my very own. Now that I’m in my early thirties I have ran into many obstacles in life and many times I have been discouraged and have felt very un easy.

You see people do anything possible they can do to get ahead in life. You see that these people don’t take any regard for others and their feelings. They did what they needed to do and you were in the way, and the end result was victory for them. 

I have had talks with my mom and my wife of being so frustrated and bringing myself to tears. I would even ask my mom “Why?! Why did you raise me this way?”
Why would my mom raise me to be loving and caring when people are assholes?
Why do I care so much about people when they don’t give a shit about me? 
Why, why, why?
Ofcourse I’m my moms baby and she would sympathize with me and tell me she loves me and it will be okay. 

My wife is a little different.
She has tough skin and doesn’t let anyone walk all over her and always speaks her mind. Which is also why I fell in love with her. My wife doesn’t let me be sad or let me feel sorry for myself. She tells me bluntly people suck but that doesn’t mean you have to be like them! 

Both I needed to hear! Both are also right!
So instead of becoming like the world and being an asshole and stepping on whoever I need to get ahead I continue to be me.

What does God say about me?
Their are many scriptures that can apply.
One thing I will never forget that I learned from one of my favorite preachers Creflo Dollar, is that we are the RIGHTeousness of God! 

Key words - Right & God.
If God is for us, who can be against us?

So not only doing the right thing, or being kind, or being respectful is something we should do. We should include God or go to him in everything we do.

Now, now… I’m no where near perfect and I’m sure I will continue to make mistakes. That’s for another blog entry lol .. 

In my 31 years of life I have learned to STILL be good, kind, loving, caring, respectful because when a door closes a BETTER one is opened. So even though you see people do the wrong things and get the gold, keep doing the right things and trust God and you will be blessed with favor on top of favor!!

Do the right thing,

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