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Category: Blogging

anyone else struggle with empathy?

Before I get into this I don't want to hear any stigmatizing comments about people who have low to no empathy. no "narcissistic abuse" stuff. 

as a young child (im 16 now) I am told that I was very empathetic, that I "felt other people's emotions" as if they were my own. perhaps its my undiagnosed autism but now I find I struggle with figuring out people's emotions. or I find I can be.. irritated by them? 

I do have a bit of an ego, sometimes I find it hard to feel bad for people if I didn't know them well. 

sometimes when people are upset I get confused if what works for me when I'm upset don't work for them. 

Is it because my emotions are more.. shallow? am I envious of people who have strong emotions? I'm not really sure honestly. I used to have strong emotions, I could just be going through a phase.

I dont mean for this to be a sad blog, I dont feel sad about this, I was just hoping to see if anyone related I guess.

TDLR: I find people's emotions to be odd and confusing, while mine are shallow, anyone relate?

EDIT 2024: Thank you to everyone who responded, Im glad to see Im not alone :)

1 Kudos


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Mouse's profile picture

forgot to mention but front blurry

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scenemo.mess666's profile picture

luckily there are ways to increase empathy with mental exercises and therapy there is always hope. not meant as disrespectful

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or rude if this was hurtful please tell me so i can change it

by scenemo.mess666; ; Report

✘Scream Queen✘

✘Scream Queen✘'s profile picture

Empathy is complicated. It’s not an indicator on if you’re a good person or not like a lot of ppl want to believe or what they say. Ppl w/ autism and adhd are just more susceptible to empathy w/ no boundaries. That turns self destructive. Empathy isn’t what a lot of ppl say, many ppl mix up empathy w/ compassion or sympathy. Empathy is just what you said “feeling others emotions as if it were my own.” That’s not an indicator on if you are a good person or not. Even if you don’t understand the emotions nor really care for the situation; you can still show compassion and support to those effected by the situation.

I have a very close friend who doesn’t have any empathy while I was on a self destructive empathy speedrun ig lol. He kept me in line and would not hold back when I needed to hear the truth. Honestly, ppl need to back off of those w/ little to no empathy bc they can be some of the most realest ppl out there.

Compassion/sympathy =/= empathy
Empathy =/= being a good person
Society needs to stop equating a person’s feelings to their whole identity and understand actions mean a lot more. Empathy isn’t a trait only good ppl have and can be self destructive.

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thanks for the response!! -Vrisk

by Mouse; ; Report


Howdy's profile picture

ok honestly thank you so much for sharing cause I've been feeling super similar for awhile now and felt crazy or even like sociopathic for it so it feels super validating that there's someone else who also struggles with relating or emphasizing with other peoples problems

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of course! thanks for commenting, feels good to not feel alone ^^

by Mouse; ; Report