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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Dream Journal: 9/10/22

I was a murderer notorious for killing people and getting away with it.

I was a skin and bones blond man with a huge beard.I was at this arcade that had a pit of prizes and things you could grab with a claw (like a big claw machine), and I won a switchblade. I was begging my dad to let me keep it. It then cut to me on a swamp bank with 2 people, a man and a wife. The wife was portly with brown hair, and the husband looked exactly like me, beard and all. The duo tried to kill me for my previous crimes, and I threw the husband in the lake. He drowned. The woman was talking to everyone about how I was a vicious murderer, and showing people pictures of him and her. This one scene she was talking to my mom about how in love they were and how much their kids miss him. My mom walked away, and looked at me in disgust. As I was walking away I said to the woman " I have no remorse. It was self defense." "No remorse." She said and scoffed. I heard a familiar song and woke up.

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