Reoccurring dream

I had this weirdish recurring dream again last night

I was heading to this bakery book store place and I asked for a blueberry pie to this really cute girl and next to her was this really cute dude

He starts looks around the books and then he finds one about Coldplay in Japan. The cover is blue and black. He looks at it and I do too. We don’t talk 

Next scene I’m at the top of this hill is what is clearly a college town. So lots of stores, restaurants close by and narrow roads. I’m walking with a random group of people and 2 dudes try skateboarding down this hill but forgets to let go of his board. So just runs. I run after to make sure he’s ok but then I end up at the top of another hill due to the momentum and not being able to stop running where I’m suddenly face to face with my old math teacher Ms.Evans.

We chat for a bit and I run out of the small cozy office to the guy from the bookstore house with his little brother. His little brother is excited but I don’t remember much of him, next scene has the me and guy in his bed. I can’t sleep because I haven’t showered and thankfully the shower is right next to the bed.(like RIGHT next to bed. Like bed thin brick wall. Shower. Thin wall desk there’s no door like a gym shower) I get up and look at and it’s narrow as hell. I can fit in but no shower should that narrow.( just to reiterate the shower is RIGHT next to bed not in a bathroom in his room) the cute guy wakes up and see me I have large ass pj shirt and crouch down to cover up because I don’t have pants/underwear on in this dream for SOME UNGODLY REASON . Dudes now a cat boy and is flirting with me. Im embarrassed saying “ can you say this to me when I actually have my pants on?”

He Hears his mom and go over to just chat with her. She came back from work and she also chats with me. We both go back to bed.


I’m not in this one, some girl with long curly hair is. She’s being bullied but she’s handling it well. Flash back she’s at a football Field being bullied in high school. She runs away to the woods and freakly climbs an tree super fast. She jumps from the top and half way she land in a hawks nest she’s crying and bleeding. 

Then I wake up

Weird dream

2 Kudos


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