name:: (Rather not add it lolz)
nickname:: Kawaii {my spacehey name (;}
how old are you:: 16
zodiac sign::Virgo
current location:: (rather not say either sorry!)
eye color::Really dark brown
hair color::Dark brown with some light brown streaks (not dyed)
hair type::straight mostly
height:: 5'5
what's your middle name:: (rather not say -///-)
shoe's you wore today:: Some crocs <3
your weakness::Running ( I do cross country)
your fear::Spiders,its a new fear
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull::not yet
do you want to::probably
goal you would like to achieve this year::Get into Honor Choir
first thought when you wake up:: "No"
best physical feature::my eyes idk
who is your bestest friend:: idk
when is your bedtime:: 10ishh
your most cherished memory:: dunno
pepsi or coke::i cant fins a difference
mc dondalds or burgerking:: BURGER KING *heart eyes*
single or group dates:: Single tehehe
what is the last song you sang::i dont remember
does playing the guitar make a person more attractive::idkk
what is your biggest pet peeve::kids always finding a way to talk about themselves
do you drink::nope
ever been drunk::never
do you smoke::no
do you "SMOKE"::NO
do you sing::yessir
what color underwear do you have on:: Black
do you want to go to college::Yes
have you ever been in love:: Actually yes
do you want to get married::YAYAYA
do you believe in yourself:: Not always?
do you believe in others::Mostly
do you like thunderstorms::Yea
do you play an instrument::FLUTE
what do you want to be when you grow up::and orthodontist -///-
what country would you like to visit::J A P A N
how many CD's do you own::not a whole lot *cries
how many DVD's do you own::too many
how many tattoo's do you have::none
how many piercings do yo have::none
how many things in the past do you regret:: SOO MANYYY
radio station::idk
place::under my desk :3
song::bruh no clue
movie::mean girls ig
moment::its a long story (ask me about it)
color::Pink <3
in a person
favorite eye color::Dunno
favorite hair color::Black/brown
short or long hair::depends
body type:: idk
does ethnicity matter::no
bed side manor??
do you think you are attractive::No...?
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: idk if they know or not
would you like to be someones fantasy:: YESYESYES
hunter or hunted::Hunter 😈
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: Closed?
a little or a lot of tongue::uhm-?
older or younger::Older i think
lights on/lights off or candle light::AYO SUS
do you like to cuddle after::*dies inside
do you like to cuddle in general::on a cold day
right now
what is todays date::Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
what time is it::5:02
who are you thinking of:: This guy names Teo (we all call him Teo-Mayo though)
what are you listening to::Hatsune Miku
do you love someone::YES
do you know where your mechanical bull is::I dont have one man
does someone love you:: I HOPE
is it raining::No
how many myspace friends do you have::8 at the moment
are you happy::Mostly
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