Friday 08/26/2022 9:00AM
First day of Creative and Ideation. I sit on the left side of the classroom and sit in the middle row.I then grab a nametag from the front, write my introduction and sat. The class started to fill up and a familiar face walks in. He decides to sit next to me and I don't look his way till he also drops his stuff and makes his way to the front. It starts to click that he's someone from middle school who I haven't spoken to in 7 years. He was a good school friend, but we never talked outside of school so I though he maybe forgot about me...boy was I wrong.
Friday 08/26/2022 9:10AM
The teacher tells us to introduce us to the people around us and I look over to my right, but two boys were already talking to one another and I turn to my left and see the old school friend waiting for me. We introduce ourselves and I got his name (Arthur) AND WE CLICK. After introductions I literally told him "You look great" CAUSE HE DOES. He's taller, skinny but toned and a clear face. He lost his glasses too and smells good. I almost felt like I didn't get a 'glowup' cause I have more acne now and I'm still short. Anyways he asked for my number to which I just gave him my phone to put his number in. After introductions we focused on class. Yes, I do participate in class discussions because I love talking and some people laughed at my little jokes too.
Friday 08/26/2022 9:50AM
i was the last person to leave the class cause im slow :( BUT Arthur waited for me near the doorway and I was surprised and called him a gentlemen for waiting for me. Arthur asks if we could grab food, but at the time I had no money on me. I then say I was gonna go to my place to make lunch and thats when the small talk starts. As we're exiting the building, we bump to a couple of old friends of Arthur and he briefly goes into his love life while I got into mine a little bit. As we got near my place, the chemistry was brewing and we made plans to hang out tomorrow!
Saturday 08/27/2022 2:53PM
We originally planned to go to a park, but things change! He was unloading stuff from his car and I decide to help. After 20 minutes of walking to his place, wandering his building and going to the mailroom to guess his apartment number he pops up in the mailroom meaning he was here! So we make our way down and just to give you guys a brief summary of ALL our convos before 7PM hits, it was a lot of teasing mix with funny conversations and such. Just basically good vibes all around. I help him build his shelf and while doing so I introduce him to my bf The Sandman from Netflix. It was also around that time where he tells me more about his love life. Because I respect his privacy I wont go much into it, but lets say I was constantly making fun of him for his actions.
Saturday 08/27/2022 (est) 4:30PM-11:06PM
Alright as I believe around this time we're done with the shelf and I'm educating him on The Sandman we just talk and talk till its 7 and we decided to just hang out his place. His roommate wouldn't come back till tomorrow and my folks were coming early on Sunday to visit me so better get drunk now than later right. So, we get to ABC store (a store known for alcohol and smokes). My dumbass didn't read the amount of alcohol in the Martini Peach drink. I picked it cause it was prettiest bottle and didn't seem to strong...BIG YIKES. IT WAS FUCKIN 13.6%. ANYWAYS He got me a bottle and got himself his own two bottles (something different with 8. something percent). We checked out and I'm like jittery cause I never drank with an old friend and I felt like the main character. Anyways, we get to his place and we drink up while talking and time starts to gooooooo off.
I barely remember how it got to where it was cause it's been a week. Anyways we're drinking and Arthur starts to be more open. Like he turns to an extrovert and I adored it. Like the dude was fanboying about MMA towards the end of the night while I was reenacting scenes from Game Of Thrones. BUT BEFORE ALL THAT. I think we were having this talk about relationships and I ended up in a puddle of tears. Like I could feel myself getting loopy and I cried. I do remember him asking if I need a hug and I just nodded my head and cried to him, asking sob questions I don't wanna get into...well fuck it. The questions were typically love questions from a lonely girl. You can assume what those are and he comforted me ya know. Kinda played with my hair a bit, rubbed my back and hugged me closer (which btw none of my exes did when I'd be a sobbing mess to them). So then I say I need to breathe and I walk out to his small balcony.
The night was chilly, but I was wearing his hoodie so I felt warm. (I asked for his hoodie before we started building the shelf cause his place was freezing and I didn't wanna bitch about the temp cause its his place) but yeah. Anyways, he comes out with me. He leans on the wall and I'm looking away from him to the city. I remember wind going lightly too. I mainly looked at the pool at the bottom of the balcony, the community pool, and I get into my head. I didn't say it out loud cause even though im emotional and loopy, I was still conscious. I wanted the water to cover me whole or at least sit at the curb of the pool ya know. Idk what Arthur was looking during that little time. Maybe at me and thinking I'm the saddest girl he met (probably) or just trying to look at whatever I'm looking at. Eventually I just walk to him and just lean on him to hug and he hugs me back. He then tells me something that kinda sobers me up. I can't remember the EXACT words but he told me there was no shame in getting therapy and that it was perfectly fine to get into. I didn't say anything. I was actually offended to the point I just walked away saying "I'm gonna back inside" and laying his couch while hugging his pillow that he left WAY before I even entered his place. Like the dude was actually chill with me cuddling his pillow and I was like 'bet' BUT ANYWAYS
We inside and I'm like laying on the couch watching a Youtube vid he puts on and its like silent till he says something and we both just start talking as if me crying never happened which I liked alot. Imma bullet point these next bits cause I can't remember shit in order from that night so here it goessss
- He told me had a crush on me in middle school to which I said "I know, everyone did." and he laughed saying "oh wowww" like all shocked but obvi it was sarcasm
- I reenact the latest House of the Dragon scene before he dives in the world of MMA
- I suggest we watch a shit sex movie called 365 days and did commentary on it as if we were professional critics.
- Made him watch my favorite Youtuber
- talked about our sex lives and shitty ex stories
- he told me more about his ex (kinda sad cause i think he misses her...alot)
- told me he should go after the opposites of blondes even tho he got a thing for them and I'm like "you got one in mind." and he says "eh...nah"
- Makes me watch the opening scene of "Better Call Saul" and I make an outta pocket joke that I would most totally get cancelled for.
- Then 11PM rolls over and he tries to call me a bus to get home safe, but the app was being a cunt so he just walks me to my place for 5 minutes. I suggest we link arms too cause we both intoxicated and yeah I got home safe! I hug him goodnight saying he's a good friend.
Sunday 08/28/2022 4:25PM
I text him after my family left. Everything seemed alright, but I could tell something was off. Maybe it cause I was intoxicated last night, but he seemed less responsive. I'm assuming its cause he doesn't wanna get into anything with me. He's currently looking to just casually date around and when he asked me about what I was doing I said I'm not looking to mess around at all and just focus on me. OR maybe he's less responsive because he knows I wouldn't casually date him. Whatever the reason, i miss drinking with him even though I was a mess. It was the first time I was properly drunk with another person he didn't take advantage of me. He's a nice guy, but oh well. I see him on Mon, Wed and Friday. We still sat next to one another on Monday even though he didn't start a convo with me. Still 'waited' for me at the end and talked a bit after class. I also told him I had COVID too after finding out later on Monday I have it and he hasn't checked in on me. I even texted him last night a funny joke about his love life and nothing. Probably shouldn't have done that, but I sent the joke to my other guy friend and he's like "I approve." But YEAH THE END.
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