We were talking for a couple days straight and then when i said no to one thing he BLOCKED me,brooooo if you can't  take a no maybe you shouldn't expect things out of other people??? PFFT

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Actual Acorn

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he must have a lot of options

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probably >.> i shouldn't be too too upset about it lol

by zammyzlaughterzz; ; Report

you should be grateful. nobody just abruptly blocks people after bonding with them for several days. that's psychopath behavior. who knows how much time you could have wasted on him if it wasn't for that?

by Actual Acorn; ; Report

Consider it a bullet dodged. Most people who can't take "no" for an answer are predatory in one way or another. Find a somebody who will respect your answers and be enough of a decent person to do the bare minimum and take "no" for as it is. A simple "no."

by ✘Scream Queen✘; ; Report