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Here are some REAL underground music recs for your little Alt Grunge heart

I'm just gonna give some bands/artists that I'm a fan that are pretty underground if you're into that. it's going to be in list format with first being the band name, how many followers they have on Spotify and my brief description and this is not in any partiture order. Also as a disclaimer I don't hate mainstream music so don't be an ass about how you only listen to "artist's that only have 25 followers and songs with less than 1000 plays" I've been on that part of Spotify and it's TRASH. 

Anyway on with the recs.
  1. Whirr 
They have 266,756 listeners and I've been a fan for while now, I mostly listen when I sleep or when I'm feeling angsty while driving my car around when its rains their bio is just "a punk band from Modesto, CA which I think is funny. the first song I found of theirs was 'younger than you'  which has a mellow feel and strong instrumentals. the voices themselves are kinda heard to hear but thankful they have lyrics the second song I like is 'Ease' which is much more up beat but still a chill listen.

2. Glare

with 117,374 listers Glare is another chill rock band that sings to sleep with their daydreamly lyrics and Eternal sound. sadly they don't have much of a funny bio for me to tell you about. Some songs that I love are 'Bloom' which makes me feel like I'm floating in water as the waves crash in to me with those heavy booms. 'Blank' on the other hand feels like a song that would play in a 2000's teen angst drama movie with that blue/green tint after someone died for the main character had to deal with a rough break up and they're slowly sliding down the wall crying and their black eyeliner is running down their face 

3. Trauma Ray 

27,230 listeners oooh now we're Really getting indie. They're defiantly more punk in their sound and not as soft and chill as the the other two but still A Really good listen. I've only reallly heard of 'Relay' and it's a great drive song when I'm in that kind of mood to be angsty on my to work they don't lyrics when they play the song so I don't reallly know the vibes but they good trust me.

4. The Shyness Clinic

150 listeners. Good lord I just looked that up and yup. that's right. crazy. They only have one album out from 1998 so safe to say that, that is the only album where gonna get from them. they don't even have a bio, crazy man. Ok so on to their sound! more grunge than the last 3 which checks out, they feel like someone is hugging your from behind in the middle of the night while you're both on a late night date at the park or some abandon parking lot. 'Not if I leave first' is defiantly that song. the first song I've heard from them is ' I Don't wanna live on the moon' which is a lot more spooky sounding but it's 7 MINUTES LONG so I just end up skipping it when I drive. but its a such a good song man.

5. Stratego 
261 listeners. One of the FIRST truly underground bands I've found that have a good beat to them I love all their songs and I can seem just playing them in a small venue will I'm just jumping and singing along. my main problem is that one, they only one album from 1999 two I can't make out what they're sing about and I can't find any lyrics. go listen to 'Composed of Circles and Layers' to understand what I mean. 

ok that's it for now. I'll post a part 2 later as I need to sleep for I Sadly have work and it's 12:03 AM. 


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