I don't want to forget everything.
Ever since I discovered the DNR or "do not resucitate" order, I've been very interested in other orders that involved the person who gave it not wanting to be revived or saved once they are put in a life or death situation. There's a beauty in having the right to your own life but also a horror to it. You willingly give up the chance to be given a "second go" at life because you know you'll be experiencing it with all the problems the life and death situation left you with. Injuries and trauma aren't exactly the type of baggage one would want to carry, so why not just choose not to? Even so, feeling the finality of your decision when you know you could've or could still reverse it is quite the dilemma.
Although I do understand why some people would want this; why they would give out specific orders to not be saved even when there's still hope. I don't want to experience the rest of my life handicapped or mentally unstable either. Or with whatever other bad things these incidents could make you carry. But I'm honestly still on the fence with a DNR so I want to talk about something else. Something I think is much more final and less regrettable when the time comes.
Which is asking for the plug to be pulled if ever I get a severe illness.
Specifically, an illness that could affect my memory. I don't like the idea of dying without my memories. Or without a large chunk of them. I want to go out remembering the faces and names of the people that I love. It's a different story if I began forgetting without a severe illness but if I did have one, I'd like to just be left to pass quietly lest I forget who the people surrounding my deathbed are.
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