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Category: Pets and Animals

Love my beagle boys

So, I'll start this off by saying I'm not to sure where I want my blogs to go. To my beloved pets, to music, to reading, parenting, work, or just life in general.

But I think for now I'll just talk about 2 of my 5 pets, my Beagle boys Pacha and Sam. Pacha is 20 months and still has SOOOO much puppy energy still. My parents got him and gifted him to my little family when he was 3 months old, so he knows no other feeling then having a very loving family to play with. As for Sam, he's roughly 5 years old and we just adopted him back in May. As the days goes on more and more of his loving and goofy personality comes out and shows us who he truly is. When he came to our local rescue he was overweight and starved for affection. Not much is known for his puppy years or what his previous home life was like but we have our suspicion that he was possibly abused. The only reason we think that is because whenever someone gets in trouble (despite it not being him) he starts crying and goes right for his kennel. We reassure him every time but it is a hard habit to break in someone who has never known any different. I can attest to, though, he's slowly coming around that not everything is his fault and he's living up to the lazy hound dog name haha. Unless there are bunnies involved then nature calls and we must scream.......well we scream at everything that's not in our yard right away in our household at least. Beagles....They're great for screaming at everything. 
We have a big yard for both boys to run around and Sam has definitely lost weight....Pacha still proves he's nothing more then a pup but since Sam has entered our lives he's calmed down a lot. Pacha today just proved how young he is by catching a cicada and then tossed it around while it buzzed. He thought that was fun....until it died. Poor cicada stood no chance. Maybe this weekend I'll walk the boys by the river and see how well they do when faced with Canada Geese.....this will be interesting. Might end up with a few tiktok clips just for the chaos haha. Anyways, I'm not sure what else to put here so that's it for today. Maybe I'll update about my boys more or move on to something else. Thanks for reading my nonsensical stuff!
Have a great day!

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