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Category: Blogging

life of chai day 1!

boring, so boring haha

nothing really happened so far, ofc ill edit when something happens, i might call my so real boyf on the house phone cause it spooks him ^^
i havent eaten alot today maybe ill make a nice dinner for myself, i did get some new ice lollys 

anyway ., ill edit ltr! x


i had to like..husk corn?? idk also my friends on here r so pretty!!! like i luv all u!! xx

edit (2)
i had some funky corn ears, they were huge like HUGE!!
i also had..brautworst (i didnt eat it)?? idk how to spell it LOLZ but yea oh and some potatoes but i didnt eat them, not a fan of potatoes at ALL!!!

im about to finish my water from like an hour ago haha then probably get ready for bed, today was a real slow day, hopefully tomorrow is the same ,, i like slow days x

ill come back when im headed to bed ^^

final edit !!

im about to go to sleep now haha, im super into this guy i added on here, i know him from discord n stuff and hes so handsome its like,, killer how much i wanna be with him but anyway, thisll be the last edit to this blog! that doesnt mean im done with this  yet tho, i just got an ultimatum, go to my dream highschool and stay with my friends and be comfortable but not be able to hang out after school ever or go to the local highschool, be with my friends but not be comfortable BUT be able to hang out everyday after school, imagine how convinient that would be for me- but still its such a bummer because i rly rly rly wanna go to the out of town highschool :( 

ill come up with an answer either ltr or tonite, only time will tell but i cant take too long, i have 3 days to choose my fate. maybe ill go with the local, its more convienient but both my exes go there so bummer, maybe ill go with out of town..inconvienient but my best friend goes there and shes like my favorite person ever...

again, ill have a solid answer by tonight or tomorrow morning!

my fate for once, is in my own hands and man it feels odd xx

gnight xx

(unless i come back with the answer)

2 Kudos


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