I thank mother nature for rain on days like these. My night just got a whole lot easier and much more laid back. I might even get to close early tonight. Which means I get home eariler and get to enjoy my day off longer. So nice. Speaking of nice, so has been everything in my life recently? Which is odd, and I'm expecting something to go wrong here. By the way that stay at home job offer I got, they emailed me back and I have to fill out some paperwork, which is fine, that's with any job. But it just looks scammy? If that's even a thing. I'll fit out what I know and try to get what I can done, I have to send it back in 7 days which is fine and all but my memory isn't that great and if this is a real thing I really don't want to miss the opportunity.
Anyways, as I was saying, my life has kind of been doing great. I work at night, get home to take care of my baby until she goes to bed, take care of me, then get to play video games with my husband until 2am. Sleep until about 10am and repeat. Its been kind of nice actually. Call Of Duty has a new feature for Halloween right now called Infected and its pretty much like tag lol. It's a lot of fun. I'm also catching up on my show called You on Netflix, also pretty great. Lots of drama so I get my fill in for they day. And yeah, thats pretty much all I do with my time now. I honestly love it and I couldn't ask for much more.
I do need to clean the kitchen tomorrow. Think Hoarders but mainly trash. It's literally disgusting. A part of me screams at myself for letting my husband make it that bad because then it becomes unsafe to even breathe that air and our daughter is there 24/7. But depression is hard to fight and I'm willing to work with him. Maybe I could convince him to work here with me at night. My mom could babysit, or his mom. But I need help with money, we aren't going to get as much as I was thinking before moving and it's very important that we get as much as we can.
So I guess that is my update for the day. I'm going to sign off of here and get Netflix turned on. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Oh yes I binge watched "You" a few nights ago. It's a great season! Glad to hear life is treating you well. When it comes to cleaning the bathroom & kitchen for me that Dollar Tree version of Kaboom becomes my best friend while cleaning. It really helps make cleaning stuff easier.
I'll have to try that! We live in a studio apartment so there isn't much room for anything. So cleaning kind of gets creative due to stuff being everywhere
by AraBunny; ; Report
Oh yes, I understand what you mean. My 1st place with my husband was a small 1 bedroom apartment. Hopefully the spray I told you about helps some.
by SharkysGamingAdventures; ; Report