First Week at Cos School

School is a funny thing to be doing again.

Let alone college, but hey, I need a future.

Homework truly eats you alive from day one, and it's tiring. So is waking up at 6 just to get there on time XD

First week was pretty boring, lot's of bookwork and studying outside of school and in. Good idea to keep up on it though, then you can do all the fun stuff.

Emotions ran rampant this past week. Lot's of lows, but I got to laugh at school with some new friends! Imagine that. Making friends a "proper adult". Being in this school environment is really good for me I think. Socialization isn't really my number one priority normally, so forcing me to go out and talk to others is really nice. Seeing as I don't know anyone is this small dinky ass town. The college is real nice though, and not super far either! 

Work along with school is a whole other story. I have no idea how other people do it! Working just one day fucked up my entire night. Crying from exhaustion, that shit is REAL. Maybe this next week will be a bit easier since my body will have hopefully adjusted to being up so early and doing things till later. 12 hour days for the win! 

Can't wait to start touching some hair next week. Bright and early Monday morning might suck, but some hands on work will be refreshing. 

I'm gonna try to update this every week or so with how my weeks or days are going in COS school, maybe share some cool things I learned.


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