Is it just me or have you ever tried to fake a sort of 'confidence' to cover up insecurities?
We call the charade 'confidence', but, in reality, what we try to fake is narcissism.
When we do this, the reasoning behind it is that we want to cover up an aspect of ourselves that shows insecurity, dislike towards ourselves, or even what we consider weakness, but when we try to mask this, we usually end up romanticizing narcissism.
Instead of achieving the confidence we want, we give the impression that we're conceited and full of ourselves. Even whilst reading this, some people might think that this is a good thing and take it as a joke, "Oh, pshhht, conceited?? full of myself?? totally not me..."<-(indicating that is them) and this would be a good example of that 'confidence'.
I've actually seen this happen a lot and it makes me wonder, is it possible to actually achieve true confidence rather than this romanticized version of narcissism?
Honestly, I don't know the real answer but I don't think it is possible.
Naturally, everyone has insecurities - even the people that don't show it, but sometimes, we decide - consciously or subconsciously - that we don't want those insecurities at all. When we do that, it sparks something that gives us an unrealistic idea of what self-love and confidence is. We get the impression that having absolutely no insecurities and being perfect is the same as being healthy. In reality, it's impossible.
Reaching for the stars is good but sometimes if you try to reach the unreachable it could break you down more when you don't get to your goal.
We tend to try too hard to like ourselves when we want to cover the dislike, leading to the narcissism. Really, when this happens your insecurities stay with you because they're natural but it causes a new problem (the conceitedness).
An issue is that people promote this behaviour which then causes others to think it's correct. If you realise that your behaviour seems to match the description of narcissism or what has been mentioned in this blog, it might be good to take a moment for proper self care. If the goal is to be confident and happy with yourself, it'd be good to really acknowledge that insecurities are normal and you can't get rid of them, instead realise that everyone has insecurities and accept them.
Speaking from experience, 'fake it till you make it' doesn't always work.
NOTE: This blog is not professional, I made this during my free time because I was thinking about the topic, if my idea seems incorrect then don't take it too seriously.
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