Marble Hornets (introduction to the ⊗perator world)

Marble Hornets #0 (intro)

hi everyone, welcome to my blog!
in this blog we will deal with a topic that is very close to me, namely MARBLE HORNETS.

Marble Hornets
is an O.A.G:
O: online
A: alternative
G: game
inspired by the story of the slenderman.

In all, 92 episodes were launched on the main channel (83 entries published by Jay and Tim, 5 entries published by ToTheArk, 3 semi-entries and the introduction) and 39 videos of "ToTheArk" (collateral channel also created by Wagner to make the plot even more intricate) that, together, make up the story of the series.

but before we can talk to you about the series and the episodes, there is more to know ..
as an example... :
who are they and what are proxies?
how many exist?
what is slender sickness?
 and much more that can help you immediately understand what happens in the episodes:

in the following entries we will start talking about proxies
how many are and what are their names.

at the end of each entry you will always find the sources I follow, and I hope you like it.

I hope there is interaction, especially if you have something to say be kind and write.

 see you at the first entry, beware of the slenderman.

thats the symbol that proxy use to mark slenderman territory

1 Kudos


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