I recently finished Life is Strange 2. Immediately my favorite life is strange game. I’ve played every one including all of the smaller games like before the storm and stephs story. Life is Strange 2 completely took the gold with the more real life themes. There’s something about that soundtrack that did it for me too. LIS2 was complete genius. Don’t get me wrong, the other games were really good too. I couldnt let go of Max and Chloe for years after i played the first game. And the newer True Colors game was a sweet game. But this second game really did it! I have a little brother myself, i think that’s a part of the reason it hit so hard for me. I’m also a person of color, so the racial discrimination in the game also just made me relate on another level. I got a very good ending (i decided to surrender and daniel agreed). I think i’m going to replay to see if i can get the worst ending now よ!
Life is Strange rant (spoilers! kinda)
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