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Category: Life


something i dont really understand; people hate to be judged but love to judge others for labels insecure people put on them 

what if the other person like to eat something you dont like or have different style why would you treat them like freaks, why cant you accept  that theres differences ? and who the fvck are you for judging based on the look or what others say  , no one is perfect so you dont have the right to say mean and hurtful stuff  or give your opinion without permission. 
everyone is gonna die soon and no one is gonna live forever so why cant we live in peace.
i get judged everyday for what i wear and what i eat and what i listen to, and the kids in my school wont talk to me when the teachers put us in group or project or whatever... and say rumors and bully me and say stuff just because im ''different'' 
i hope this madness stop tbh because i cant handle another year w them
 [ school starts next week ] 

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mitzi's profile picture

i agree so much, "live and let live". why do people care so much???? ignore them, u only live once

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by Thedre4mboi; ; Report